
One woman, lots of paint and hundreds of tiles. If you're here because you found a painted tile, it's yours to keep.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Gang of 3

Sick of hearing about crime, Lori, Meg and Rita started a gang of their own. They wanted to take back the streets and feel safe again walking after dark. Together, they felt brave and one night after much walking and a few drinks they got downright giddy and decided to write their gang name under the Andrews Avenue Bridge in nail polish. They were all laughing hysterically as Meg wrote "New River Ladies" on the concrete, but then a cop approached and the trio knew they were in trouble from the way he said "Good evening ladies." Meg was scared and thought she might actually get arrested but the cop let her off with a stern warning. As he walked off, Meg saw him shaking his head and heard him laughing to himself. She was pretty sure the New River Ladies' antics would be discussed at some local diner that night.

Dropped the New River Ladies along the New River on a bench east of the Andrews Avenue Bridge out there by the water near some weird little building ... across from the Downtowner. I think I forgot to put the sticker that has this Web site on it ... so they'd have to Google to even find this post.


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