
One woman, lots of paint and hundreds of tiles. If you're here because you found a painted tile, it's yours to keep.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Tiling on 17th Street

Put three out today, but the lady in red does NOT look like that. I took that pic before she was ready .... and forgot to re-take her pic later. Dropped the latest batch around 17th Street Causeway. The first, featuring Tara, whose life was so much happier since the bubble machine arrives, was randomly placed at Total Wine, while the other couple (they had to go together) was hidden in the ladies room at the Office Depot I frequent for ink cartridges. The guy is Trippy, who likes to poof his hair and throw on lipstick on Tuesdays, and his friend, the lady in red. I hope they find good homes. Sometimes I wonder where my little tiles wind up.


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